Hunting with elk
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Elastic's ELK is an open source stack that consists of three applications (Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana) working in synergy to provide users with end-to-end search and visualization capabilities to analyze and investigate log file sources in real time.
ELK's architecture, at a high level, is the following.
On demanding/data-heavy environments, ELK's architecture can be reinforced by Kafka, RabbitMQ and Redis for buffering and resilience and by ngnix for security.
Let's dive into all of ELK's components.
Elasticsearch is a NoSQL database based on the Lucene search engine and built with RESTful APIs. It is essentially the index, store and query application of the ELK stack. It provides users with the capability to perform advanced queries and analytics operations against the log file records processed by Logstash.
Logstash is the tool responsible for the collection, transformation and transport of log file records. The great thing about Logstash is that it can unify data from disparate sources and also normalize them. Logstash has three areas of function.
Process input of the log file records from remote locations into a machine understandable format. Logstash can receive records through a variety of ways ( such as reading from a flat file, reading events from a TCP socket or directly reading syslog messages. When Logstash completes processing input it proceeds to the next function.
Transform and enrich log records. Logstash provides users with numerous methods to make changes to the format (and even content) of a log record. Specifically, filter plugins exist that can perform intermediary processing on an event (most of the times based on a predefined condition). Once a log record is transformed Logstash processes it.
Send log records to Elasticsearch by utilizing any of the output plugins.
Kibana is the tool used for visualizing the Elasticsearch documents. Through Kibana users can view the data stored in Elasticsearch and perform queries against them. It also facilitates the understanding of query results through tables, charts and custom dashboards.
Note: Beats is an additional download that should be installed in every remote location for its logs to be shipped to the Logstash component.
ELK's Search:
As threat hunters, chances are that we will spend the majority of our ELK-time inside Kibana. For this reason, we will focus on submitting searches through Kibana.
Kibana searches are usually formatted asFieldName:SearchTerm
. Fields and search terms are case sensitive.
Boolean operators like AND, OR are supported (and are sometimes implied).
Wildcards and free text searches can be used, but use sparingly.
let's begin
The information we are interested in is contained in the ScriptBlockText field of event ID 4104.
we'll look into Sysmon's Process creation events, event id 1 so we start by filtering out for those.
Then we proceed with our research for identifying suspicious parent processes.
If you expand the first match and look at the parent process's command line argument
we look into Sysmon again for any created process (event id 1) with description containing "PowerShell" that is not powershell.exe or powershell_ise.exe.
Another approach would be to look for EventID 400, where the HostName is ConsoleHost but the HostApplication is not powershell.exe.
we'll use Sysmon event id 1, looking for command line arguments that would match those of an encoded command.
If we decode the passed command, we'll find that it is the command "whoami".
We'll be looking at ScriptBlockText of event id 4104. After some research we find that GZIP archives have the magic number "H4sI", which appears quite unique. That will be our detection -- let's filter for event id 4104
we'll be looking at ScriptBlockText of event id 4104. After an extensive research, we find that XOR usage involves the operators "char", "bxor" and "join". After filtering for event id 4104
we'll be looking at ScriptBlockText of event id 4104. After performing a research, we find that to execute an assembly from file, a function "Load" together with either "ReadAllBytes" or "LoadFile" is utilized.
we'll be looking at ScriptBlockText of event id 4104. After doing our research, we identify a large number of possibilities for download content.
we'll be looking at ScriptBlockText of event id 4104. After doing a research on obfuscated commands, we identify a large number of interesting characters that may be of interest
Additional research leads us to reverse obfuscated, or certain words spelled backwards. We go through common cmdlets, and terms and construct a query with them in reverse order as follows
The IT Security manager provided you with simulated malicious activity and has asked you to create hunting detection techniques for all of i
Attackers are known for leveraging native Windows' functionality/binaries to evade detection while executing malicious code.
we find out that rundll32.exe can call pcwutl.dll which has the ability to execute an application. Utilizing that information
we focus on technique 7. According to the documentation, the bypass is implemented through an abuse of "cliconfg.exe". Because the abuse requires that cliconfg.exe loads "NTWDBLIB.dll", we'll focus our detection exactly on that, specifically filtering for Sysmon's Event ID 7 -- Image loaded.
Taking into account the hint provided, if any RDP tampering or abuse (eg. RDP tunneling etc) is to occur, RDP should first be enabled.
herefore, our detection will focus on detecting whether RDP has been enabled. One of the common ways to do this, is to monitor if netsh is used to create a firewall rule that allows an RDP connection. Therefore, we focus our detection on Sysmon event ID 1 - Process Creation.
Clearly, enabling RDP on its own is not necessarily malicious, therefore, additional effort is required to conclude that. Nonetheless, tampering has occurred.
One way to obtain a detection rule is by looking at Sigma, specifically the DCSync detection rule here.
we'll identify that remote usage of WMI will create an Event ID 4648 -- logon with explicit credentials, with source process of wmic.exe. That is illustrated on the image below:
Utilizing that, we can create our detection technique
If we expand that entry, we'll get more details on the account(s) associated with the login:
Let's take into account everything the hint of this task mentioned as well as Sysmon Event ID 1 - Process Creation
we get 5 matches. A single match with ieframe.dll, which opens a URL file from a temporary directory:
The other 4 matches are related to url.dll. As we can see below, one of them executes an .hta file:
The fact that .hta file is being executed means that mshta, as the default handler, will be called. Therefore, if we utilize the following query, we can confirm that calc.hta gets executed by mshta:
Hunt for persistence through scheduled Tasks
By researching the provided URL, we identify that both "at.exe" and "schtasks.exe" can be used to schedule a task on a Windows host. While "at.exe" is rarely used, we are interested in any occurrence of its execution but for "schtasks.exe", we'll only look into those that are creating new tasks. The detection is based on Sysmon Event ID 1 - Process Creation.
On the output above, we can see that an action that executes "mshta.exe" against a remote URL address is added. To verify that the command executed successfully, we can perform another search for Sysmon Event ID 11 - File Create and search whether a task with the filename provided is now available under C:\Windows\Tasks where all tasks are stored:
Hunt for UAC Bypass #2
we identify that a detection technique would be to monitor the registry key at:
However, in our experience, the location of the key may change slightly, therefore, the exact location we'll be looking for is any registry key that contains "shell\runas\command\isolatedCommand". To monitor registry key events, we will utilize Sysmon Event ID 13 -- Registry event
If we expand the entry, we'll see the value which is added to the key:
( Use it as a detection playground to practice your ELK-query-writing skills.
Go to Discover
Select winlogbeat-
we begin by reading the documentation in the hint's area. After going through it, we'll discover that "net" is a utility often used for this enumeration. Moreover, Windows 10 has introduced two new events, which are quite interesting:
4798 -- A user's local group membership was enumerated
4799 -- A security-enabled local group membership was enumerated
Reviewing the information available in T1015, we assemble the following list of targeted executables:
taking into account that the hint refers to file replacement with cmd.exe, what we would be interested into, is if a file with any of the names listed above contains the Description field that matches cmd.exe -- essentially, we are looking for renamed cmd.exe. Finally, the user it would execute as is "NT AUTHORITY/SYSTEM".
we create a list of writable locations by all users, which is suspicious to run tasks from (remember to filter out known-good!). These locations are:
Now for this hunt, we have only Sysmon logs available, therefore for our detection capability will focus on Event ID 1 (Process creation) specifically looking for execution of schtasks.exe with a command line parameter that points to one of the locations listed above.
passed to schtasks.exe, a new task is created. Following that activity, we can leverage Sysmon Event ID 11 (File create) to identify the creation
we can identify if it was executed by modifying our first query but this time, we are looking at the command line argument that contains the task name "elevator" and the string "run" (which indicates task execution).
we would be interested to see if the task has spawned any of the following as the SYSTEM user:
Taking into consideration that the environment is based on Windows 7 workstations and as stated by T1053, "taskeng.exe" will be the executing process starting one of those listed above.
Finally, we can search for traces of task deletion in a similar fashion as we searched whether it was executed, however, now we will look for "delete" instead of "run".
to discover this activity, we should be looking at Event ID 4624 (Successful logon) with Logon type 10 (indicating RDP). Moreover, we should ensure that the network source address points to the loop IP address ( Converting this into ELK query, and taking into account the computer name given in the task, we get the following: