part 3

🚨 Modify Registry

🔍 1. Attack Breakdown

📝 What is Registry Modification?

  • The Windows Registry is a hierarchical database used to store system settings, application configurations, and user preferences.

  • Attackers often modify the registry to:

    • Establish Persistence: Ensure malware executes at startup.

    • Disable Security Controls: Turn off antivirus or logging.

    • Configure Malware Behavior: Adjust system or application settings for malicious purposes.

    • Hide Artifacts: Conceal malicious files or processes.

📑 Why Attackers Use Registry Modifications?

  • Persistence: Malware can auto-start on system boot.

  • Stealth: Changes are often hard to detect without monitoring.

  • Control: Modify system behavior for exploitation.

  • Fileless Attacks: Execute scripts directly from the registry.

📌 Common Registry Keys Abused by Attackers



Example Command


Persistence via user login

reg add "HKCU\...\Run" /v Malware /t REG_SZ /d "C:\malicious.exe"

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Shell

Replace shell for persistence

reg add "HKLM\...\Winlogon" /v Shell /t REG_SZ /d "explorer.exe, malicious.exe"


Disable Task Manager

reg add "HKCU\...\Policies\System" /v DisableTaskMgr /t REG_DWORD /d 1


Modify service behavior

reg add "HKLM\...\Services" /v ImagePath /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "C:\malicious.exe"


Hijack MSC files for execution

reg add "HKCU\...\open\command" /d "malicious.exe"

🛡️ 2. Detection Techniques

📊 Manual Detection via PowerShell

🕵️ List Startup Entries in Registry:

Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"
Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"

🕵️ Search for Suspicious Keys:

Get-ChildItem -Path "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" -Recurse
Get-ChildItem -Path "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon"

🕵️ Check Disabled Security Settings:

Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender" | Select-Object DisableAntiSpyware

📊 Microsoft Defender for Endpoint (MDE) Query (KQL)

🕵️ Detect Registry Modifications:

| where ActionType == "RegistryValueSet"
| where RegistryKey contains "Run" or RegistryKey contains "Winlogon"
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, RegistryKey, RegistryValueName, RegistryValueData, AccountName

🕵️ Identify Security Settings Disabled:

| where RegistryKey contains "Windows Defender"
| where RegistryValueName in ("DisableAntiSpyware", "DisableRealtimeMonitoring")
| where RegistryValueData == "1"
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, RegistryKey, RegistryValueName, RegistryValueData

🕵️ Persistence via Registry:

| where RegistryKey contains "Run" or RegistryKey contains "RunOnce"
| where RegistryValueData contains ".exe"
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, RegistryKey, RegistryValueData, AccountName

🕵️ Look for Fileless Execution:

| where RegistryValueData contains "powershell" or RegistryValueData contains "cmd.exe"
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, RegistryKey, RegistryValueData, AccountName

🕵️ Track Registry Key Creation:

| where ActionType == "RegistryKeyCreated"
| where RegistryKey contains "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run"
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, RegistryKey, AccountName

📊 Event Viewer Logs

  • Event ID 4657: Registry Value Modification

  • Event ID 4663: Object Access Attempt

  • Event ID 4688: Process Creation

📌 Focus on These Indicators:

  • Processes Making Changes: powershell.exe, cmd.exe, reg.exe, regedit.exe

  • Suspicious Paths: HKCU:\...\Run, HKLM:\...\Winlogon, HKCU:\...\Policies

  • New or Modified Keys: Look for .exe, .bat, .vbs references in key values.

🕵️ 3. Investigation Techniques

1️⃣ Identify Processes Making Registry Changes

Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{LogName='Security'; Id=4657} | Select-Object TimeCreated, Message

2️⃣ Trace Suspicious Registry Values

  • Investigate recent changes in critical registry paths:

Get-ChildItem -Path "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" | Select-Object Name, Value

3️⃣ Look for Fileless Malware

  • Check registry keys for encoded scripts:

Get-ChildItem -Path "HKCU:\Software" -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.Value -match "powershell" -or $_.Value -match "cmd.exe" }

4️⃣ Correlate with Process Execution

  • Cross-reference with processes using Event ID 4688.

🔧 4. Remediation Steps

📌 1. Identify and Remove Malicious Registry Keys

Remove-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" -Name "MaliciousKey"

📌 2. Restore Default Security Settings

Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender" -Name DisableAntiSpyware -Value 0
Stop-Process -Name "powershell" -Force

📌 4. Quarantine Malicious Files

Move-Item -Path "C:\Temp\malicious.exe" -Destination "C:\Quarantine"

📌 5. Perform Full Antivirus Scan

Start-MpScan -ScanType FullScan

🛡️ 5. Prevention Steps

  1. Enable Registry Auditing:

    • Configure auditing for sensitive registry paths.

  2. Use Attack Surface Reduction (ASR) Rules:

Set-MpPreference -AttackSurfaceReductionRules_Ids D4F940AB-401B-4EFC-AADC-AD5F3C50688A -AttackSurfaceReductionRules_Actions Enabled
  1. Disable Unused Registry Tools:

    • Restrict access to reg.exe and regedit.exe for non-admin users.

  2. Enable Tamper Protection in Defender:

Set-MpPreference -DisableTamperProtection $false
  1. Educate Users:

    • Train users to recognize social engineering attacks leading to registry modifications.

🧠 6. Key Takeaways

  • Persistence is Key: Monitor startup and Winlogon registry keys.

  • Disable Known Attack Paths: Prevent scripts from running via registry.

  • Real-Time Alerts: Monitor changes to sensitive keys (Run, Winlogon).

  • Registry Auditing: Enable Event IDs 4657, 4688, and 4663.

🚨 Boot or Logon Autostart Execution: Shortcut Modification

🔍 1. Attack Breakdown

📝 What is Shortcut Modification Attack?

  • Shortcut Modification involves altering Windows shortcut files (.lnk) to execute malicious commands or scripts during boot or user logon.

  • Attackers modify shortcut targets to execute malicious payloads instead of their original programs.

📑 Why Attackers Use Shortcut Modification?

  • Persistence: Ensures malicious code runs at every system boot or user logon.

  • Stealth: Modified shortcuts appear legitimate to unsuspecting users.

  • Execution Without Alerts: Often bypasses security tools that monitor startup keys.

  • User Trust: Users are more likely to trust familiar application shortcuts.

📌 Common Shortcut Modification Techniques


Example Command


Startup Folder Modification

echo [malicious command] > C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\example.lnk

Run malware at user logon

Modify Desktop Shortcuts

powershell -Command "Start-Process calc.exe"

Replace target of a common shortcut

Modify Taskbar Shortcuts

C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c malicious.exe

Hijack taskbar or pinned shortcut

LNK File Injection

copy malicious.lnk C:\Users\<User>\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\

Inject malicious shortcut

Path Hijacking via Shortcut

C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /k "C:\Temp\payload.exe"

Execute malicious binary instead of the original program

🛡️ 2. Detection Techniques

📊 Manual Inspection

🕵️ Check Startup Folder for Suspicious Shortcuts:

سخ الكودGet-ChildItem -Path "C:\Users\*\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup" -Filter "*.lnk" | Select-Object Name, LastWriteTime

🕵️ Check Shortcut Target Paths:

(Get-Item "C:\Users\<User>\Desktop\example.lnk").TargetPath

🕵️ Check for Suspicious Commands in Shortcuts:

(Get-Item "C:\Users\<User>\Desktop\example.lnk").Arguments

🕵️ Identify Modified Shortcuts:

Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Users\*\Desktop" -Filter "*.lnk" | Select-Object Name, LastWriteTime

📊 Microsoft Defender for Endpoint (MDE) Query (KQL)

🕵️ Detect Shortcut Modifications in Startup Folders:

| where FolderPath contains "Startup"
| where FileName endswith ".lnk"
| where ActionType in ("FileCreated", "FileModified")
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, FileName, FolderPath, InitiatingProcessFileName, AccountName

🕵️ Identify Suspicious Shortcut Arguments:

| where FileName endswith ".lnk"
| where InitiatingProcessCommandLine contains "cmd.exe" or InitiatingProcessCommandLine contains "powershell.exe"
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, FileName, InitiatingProcessCommandLine, AccountName

🕵️ Monitor Common Hijacked Paths:

| where FolderPath contains "Desktop" or FolderPath contains "Start Menu"
| where FileName endswith ".lnk"
| where InitiatingProcessFileName in ("cmd.exe", "powershell.exe")
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, FileName, FolderPath, ProcessCommandLine, AccountName

🕵️ Check Persistence via Modified Shortcuts:

| where RegistryKey contains "Run"
| where RegistryValueData contains ".lnk"
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, RegistryKey, RegistryValueData, AccountName

📊 Event Viewer Logs

  • Event ID 4663: Object Access Attempt

  • Event ID 4688: Process Creation

  • Event ID 4670: Permissions on an Object Were Changed

🕵️ Filter Suspicious Activities in Event Viewer:

  • Open Event Viewer → Security → Filter by Event ID 4688

  • Look for:

    • FileName: .lnk

    • InitiatingProcess: cmd.exe, powershell.exe

🕵️ 3. Investigation Techniques

1️⃣ Analyze Shortcut Target Paths

(Get-Item "C:\Users\<User>\Desktop\suspicious.lnk").TargetPath

2️⃣ Trace Parent Processes

  • Check what triggered the creation or modification of the shortcut:

Get-CimInstance Win32_Process | Where-Object { $_.CommandLine -match ".lnk" }

3️⃣ Check for Suspicious Files in Startup Folders

Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup" -Filter "*.lnk"

4️⃣ Review Recently Modified Shortcuts

  • Check recent changes in shortcut files:

Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Users\*\Desktop" -Filter "*.lnk" | Where-Object { $_.LastWriteTime -gt (Get-Date).AddDays(-7) }

5️⃣ Inspect Registry Keys

  • Look for .lnk references in Run keys:

Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"

🔧 4. Remediation Steps

📌 1. Remove Malicious Shortcuts

Remove-Item -Path "C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\suspicious.lnk"

📌 2. Quarantine Malicious Payloads

Move-Item -Path "C:\Temp\malware.exe" -Destination "C:\Quarantine"

📌 3. Remove Registry Persistence

Remove-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" -Name "MaliciousKey"

📌 4. Terminate Malicious Processes

Stop-Process -Name "cmd" -Force
Stop-Process -Name "powershell" -Force

📌 5. Perform Full Antivirus Scan

Start-MpScan -ScanType FullScan

🛡️ 5. Prevention Steps

  1. Enable Attack Surface Reduction (ASR) Rules:

Set-MpPreference -AttackSurfaceReductionRules_Ids D4F940AB-401B-4EFC-AADC-AD5F3C50688A -AttackSurfaceReductionRules_Actions Enabled
  1. Restrict Write Access to Startup Folders:

  • Limit permissions on C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup.

  1. Audit Shortcut Modifications:

  • Enable auditing for .lnk file changes.

  1. Disable Auto-Execution from Startup Folder:

  • Block execution of scripts from Startup via Group Policy.

  1. Educate Users:

  • Train users to avoid clicking on .lnk files from untrusted sources.

🧠 6. Key Takeaways

  • Monitor Shortcut Modifications: Watch .lnk files in Startup and Desktop.

  • Audit Key Paths: Regularly review Startup and Run registry keys.

  • Analyze Shortcut Targets: Investigate modified .lnk file targets.

  • Focus on Persistence Mechanisms: Pay attention to cmd.exe, powershell.exe, and suspicious arguments.

🚨 Masquerade Task or Service

🔍 1. Attack Breakdown

📝 What is Task or Service Masquerading?

  • Masquerading occurs when an attacker disguises a malicious scheduled task or Windows service to appear legitimate.

  • Attackers often name tasks or services similar to system processes (e.g., svchost.exe, explorer.exe) to avoid detection.

📑 Why Attackers Use Task or Service Masquerading?

  • Persistence: Ensures malware or malicious scripts run automatically on startup.

  • Stealth: Mimics legitimate services or tasks to evade detection.

  • Privilege Escalation: May run tasks/services with elevated privileges.

  • Reduces Suspicion: Security teams might overlook familiar-looking names.

📌 Common Techniques


Example Command


Scheduled Task Masquerade

schtasks /create /tn "Windows Update" /tr C:\Temp\malware.exe /sc daily /ru SYSTEM

Create a disguised scheduled task

Service Creation with Masquerade Name

sc create WindowsUpdate type= own start= auto binPath= "C:\Temp\malware.exe"

Create a fake Windows Update service

Modify Existing Services

sc config TrustedInstaller binPath= "C:\Temp\malware.exe"

Hijack legitimate services

Hidden Tasks

schtasks /create /tn "Windows Security" /tr powershell.exe -enc ZWNobyBoZWxsbyA= /sc minute

Create hidden tasks

Fake Parent Process

cmd.exe /c start svchost.exe -k netsvcs

Mimic a legitimate process

🛡️ 2. Detection Techniques

📊 Manual Inspection

🕵️ List Scheduled Tasks

سخ الكودGet-ScheduledTask | Where-Object { $_.TaskPath -like "*Windows*" } | Select-Object TaskName, TaskPath, State

🕵️ Inspect Task Command Lines

Get-ScheduledTaskInfo -TaskName "Windows Update"

🕵️ List All Windows Services

Get-Service | Where-Object { $_.StartType -eq "Automatic" } | Select-Object Name, DisplayName, StartType, Status

🕵️ Inspect Service Configurations

Get-WmiObject Win32_Service | Select-Object Name, DisplayName, PathName, StartMode

🕵️ Find Unusual Paths in Service Binaries

Get-WmiObject Win32_Service | Where-Object { $_.PathName -notlike "*system32*" } | Select-Object Name, PathName

📊 Microsoft Defender for Endpoint (MDE) Query (KQL)

🕵️ Detect Suspicious Scheduled Tasks

| where FileName == "schtasks.exe"
| where ProcessCommandLine contains "/create"
| where ProcessCommandLine contains "Windows Update" or ProcessCommandLine contains "Security"
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, ProcessCommandLine, AccountName

🕵️ Identify Suspicious Services Created or Modified

| where FileName == "sc.exe"
| where ProcessCommandLine contains "create" or ProcessCommandLine contains "config"
| where ProcessCommandLine contains "svchost" or ProcessCommandLine contains "update"
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, ProcessCommandLine, AccountName

🕵️ Find Services with Non-Standard Binary Paths

| where RegistryKey contains "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services"
| where RegistryValueData !contains "C:\\Windows\\System32"
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, RegistryKey, RegistryValueData, AccountName

🕵️ Look for Tasks Executing from Suspicious Paths

| where FolderPath contains "Temp" or FolderPath contains "AppData"
| where FileName endswith ".exe"
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, FolderPath, FileName, InitiatingProcessCommandLine

📊 Event Viewer Logs

Event ID



A service was installed in the system


A scheduled task was created


A scheduled task was updated


A new service was installed on the system

📌 Focus on These Indicators:

  • Service Name: Generic or misleading names (WindowsUpdate, SecurityService)

  • Scheduled Task Names: Mimic system tasks (Windows Defender Update, Security Scan)

  • Paths: Non-standard paths like C:\Temp\malware.exe

🕵️ 3. Investigation Techniques

1️⃣ Review Scheduled Task Details

  • Inspect task triggers and command lines:

schtasks /query /tn "Windows Update" /v /fo LIST

2️⃣ Inspect Service Binary Paths

  • Verify the service path and startup type:

sc qc WindowsUpdate

3️⃣ Trace Parent Processes

  • Identify the parent process for suspicious tasks:

Get-CimInstance Win32_Process | Where-Object { $_.ParentProcessId -eq <PID> }

4️⃣ Validate File Hashes

  • Check binaries used by tasks and services:

Get-FileHash "C:\Temp\malware.exe"

5️⃣ Check Registry for Service Entries

  • Review suspicious registry keys:

reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services"

🔧 4. Remediation Steps

📌 1. Disable and Remove Malicious Tasks

schtasks /delete /tn "Windows Update" /f

📌 2. Stop and Delete Malicious Services

sc stop WindowsUpdate
sc delete WindowsUpdate

📌 3. Remove Registry Entries

Remove-Item -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WindowsUpdate" -Force

📌 4. Quarantine Malicious Files

Move-Item -Path "C:\Temp\malware.exe" -Destination "C:\Quarantine"

📌 5. Perform Full Antivirus Scan

Start-MpScan -ScanType FullScan

🛡️ 5. Prevention Steps

  1. Enable Task and Service Auditing:

    • Enable Event IDs 4697, 4698, 4702, and 7045.

  2. Restrict Service and Task Creation:

    • Use Group Policy to limit non-admin task and service creation.

  3. Monitor Common Abuse Binaries:

    • Tools like schtasks.exe, sc.exe, and powershell.exe.

  4. Enable Attack Surface Reduction (ASR) Rules:

Set-MpPreference -AttackSurfaceReductionRules_Ids D4F940AB-401B-4EFC-AADC-AD5F3C50688A -AttackSurfaceReductionRules_Actions Enabled
  1. Audit Non-Standard Paths:

    • Services running from C:\Temp, C:\Users, or C:\ProgramData.

  2. Implement Least Privilege Access:

    • Restrict administrative privileges for regular users.

  3. Educate Users:

    • Train users to recognize suspicious behavior and report anomalies.

🧠 6. Key Takeaways

  • Persistence Tactics: Scheduled tasks and services are common attack vectors.

  • Mimicry is Key: Attackers use misleading names to avoid detection.

  • Auditing is Essential: Monitor task and service creations using Event Logs and Defender telemetry.

  • Focus on Execution Paths: Legitimate tasks and services rarely use Temp or AppData.

🚨 Indicator Removal on Host: Advanced Threat Analysis

🔍 1. Attack Breakdown

📝 What is Indicator Removal on Host?

  • Indicator Removal on Host is an adversarial tactic used to erase traces of malicious activity from a compromised system.

  • Attackers remove logs, files, registry entries, scheduled tasks, and artifacts that could reveal their presence or actions.

📑 Why Attackers Remove Indicators?

  • Evade Detection: Hide traces of malicious activity from security teams and tools.

  • Persistence: Make it harder for incident responders to fully remediate the breach.

  • Delay Investigation: Obscure root cause analysis and delay detection timelines.

  • Cover Tracks: Prevent linking the attacker to the activity.

📌 Common Techniques for Indicator Removal



Example Command

Delete Event Logs

Erase Windows event logs

wevtutil cl Security

Clear PowerShell History

Remove traces from command history

Remove-Item (Get-PSReadlineOption).HistorySavePath

Delete Files/Artifacts

Remove malware payloads or logs

del C:\Temp\malicious.exe

Remove Registry Entries

Clean persistence artifacts

reg delete HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v MalwareKey /f

Disable Logging

Temporarily stop event logging

wevtutil sl Security /e:false

Self-Delete Script

Malware deletes itself after execution

cmd.exe /c timeout 5 && del %~f0

🛡️ 2. Detection Techniques

📊 Manual Inspection

🕵️ Check for Cleared Event Logs

wevtutil qe Security /c:10 /f:text
  • Look for abrupt log gaps or absence of expected events.

🕵️ Inspect PowerShell Command History

Get-Content (Get-PSReadlineOption).HistorySavePath
  • Look for unusual deletions or clearing commands.

🕵️ Check System Logs for Clearing Commands

Get-WinEvent -LogName Security | Where-Object { $_.Message -like "*wevtutil cl*" }

🕵️ Search for Recent File Deletions

Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Temp" -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.LastWriteTime -gt (Get-Date).AddHours(-24) }

🕵️ Check Registry Modifications

Get-ChildItem -Path "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" -Recurse

📊 Microsoft Defender for Endpoint (MDE) Query (KQL)

🕵️ Detect Log Clearing Commands

| where FileName in~ ("wevtutil.exe", "powershell.exe", "cmd.exe")
| where ProcessCommandLine contains "wevtutil cl" or ProcessCommandLine contains "Clear-EventLog"
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, ProcessCommandLine, AccountName

🕵️ Detect PowerShell History Manipulation

| where FolderPath contains "C:\\Users\\*\\AppData\\Roaming\\Microsoft\\Windows\\PowerShell"
| where FileName contains "ConsoleHost_history.txt"
| where ActionType in ("FileDeleted", "FileModified")
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, FileName, FolderPath, AccountName

🕵️ Identify Deleted Files and Artifacts

| where ActionType == "FileDeleted"
| where FolderPath contains "Temp" or FolderPath contains "AppData"
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, FileName, FolderPath, AccountName

🕵️ Detect Service or Task Deletion

| where FileName == "sc.exe" or FileName == "schtasks.exe"
| where ProcessCommandLine contains "delete"
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, ProcessCommandLine, AccountName

🕵️ Registry Cleanup Attempts

| where ActionType == "RegistryValueDeleted"
| where RegistryKey contains "Run"
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, RegistryKey, AccountName

📊 Event Viewer Logs

Event ID



The audit log was cleared


A new process was created


Registry value modification


Object access attempt

📌 Focus on Event ID 1102 (Audit Log Cleared)

  • Open Event Viewer → Windows Logs → Security

  • Look for sudden clearing of logs.

📌 Monitor for Suspicious Processes (Event ID 4688)

  • Look for commands using wevtutil, del, Remove-Item, or reg delete.

🕵️ 3. Investigation Techniques

1️⃣ Trace Log Clearing Activities

  • Identify the account and source IP involved:

Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{LogName='Security'; Id=1102}

2️⃣ Correlate Deleted Files with Processes

  • Investigate who and what deleted files:

Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{LogName='Security'; Id=4663}

3️⃣ Review Command History

  • Check recent command history:

Get-Content (Get-PSReadlineOption).HistorySavePath) | Select-String "wevtutil|Clear-EventLog|Remove-Item"

4️⃣ Inspect Registry for Evidence

  • Identify modified or deleted registry keys:

Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"

5️⃣ Cross-Reference File Hashes

  • Validate hash integrity:

Get-FileHash "C:\Temp\payload.exe"

🔧 4. Remediation Steps

📌 1. Restart Event Logging

wevtutil sl Security /e:true

📌 2. Restore Logs from Backup

  • Restore event logs if backups are available.

📌 3. Investigate Deleted Files and Artifacts

  • Use forensic tools like Recuva or FTK Imager to recover deleted files.

📌 4. Remove Malicious Registry Entries

Remove-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" -Name "MaliciousKey"

📌 5. Quarantine Suspicious Files

Move-Item -Path "C:\Temp\malware.exe" -Destination "C:\Quarantine"

📌 6. Perform Full Antivirus Scan

Start-MpScan -ScanType FullScan

🛡️ 5. Prevention Steps

  1. Enable Security Auditing:

    • Ensure Event ID 1102, 4688, 4663 are enabled.

  2. Enable Tamper Protection:

Set-MpPreference -DisableTamperProtection $false
  1. Monitor Log Clearing Tools:

    • Watch for wevtutil, Clear-EventLog, Remove-Item.

  2. Restrict Admin Privileges:

    • Prevent unauthorized users from clearing logs or modifying the registry.

  3. Implement Attack Surface Reduction (ASR) Rules:

Set-MpPreference -AttackSurfaceReductionRules_Ids D4F940AB-401B-4EFC-AADC-AD5F3C50688A -AttackSurfaceReductionRules_Actions Enabled
  1. Disable Command History Clearing:

    • Enforce retention policies for command history.

  2. Regular Backups:

    • Periodically back up event logs and critical system data.

🧠 6. Key Takeaways

  • Monitor Event Log Clearing: Event ID 1102 is critical.

  • File Deletions Are a Red Flag: Especially in Temp or AppData.

  • Audit Critical Registry Keys: Monitor Run and RunOnce entries.

  • Prevent Tampering: Enable Windows Defender Tamper Protection.

🚨 OS Credential Dumping: Security Account Manager (SAM)

🔍 1. Attack Breakdown

📝 What is SAM Credential Dumping?

  • Security Account Manager (SAM) is a Windows database file that stores local account credentials (NTLM and LM hashes).

  • Credential dumping involves extracting these hashes to escalate privileges, move laterally, or crack passwords offline.

📑 Why Attackers Use SAM Credential Dumping?

  • Access Local Accounts: Gain access to local administrator accounts.

  • Privilege Escalation: Use compromised accounts for elevated permissions.

  • Offline Hash Cracking: Crack NTLM hashes without alerting security systems.

  • Persistence: Use stolen hashes for Pass-the-Hash (PtH) attacks.

📌 Common Methods for SAM Credential Dumping


Tool/Command Example


Local Copy of SAM and SYSTEM Files

copy C:\Windows\System32\config\SAM

Copy SAM and SYSTEM files for offline analysis

Mimikatz SAM Module


Dump SAM hashes directly from memory

Reg Save Method

reg save HKLM\SAM C:\Temp\

Export SAM hive via the registry

Volume Shadow Copy

vssadmin create shadow /for=C:

Access SAM via shadow copies

Impacket ( Administrator@IP

Dump SAM hashes remotely

🛡️ 2. Detection Techniques

📊 Manual Inspection with PowerShell

🕵️ Look for Suspicious Access to SAM Registry Hive

Get-EventLog -LogName Security -InstanceId 4663 | Where-Object { $_.Message -like "*SAM*" }

🕵️ Monitor Registry Export Commands

Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{LogName='Security'; Id=4688} | Where-Object { $_.Message -like "*reg save HKLM\SAM*" }

🕵️ Identify Shadow Copy Abuse

vssadmin list shadows

📊 Microsoft Defender for Endpoint (MDE) Query (KQL)

🕵️ Detect Access to SAM Files

| where FileName in ("SAM", "SYSTEM")
| where FolderPath contains "Windows\\System32\\config"
| where ActionType == "FileAccessed"
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, FileName, FolderPath, AccountName, InitiatingProcessFileName

🕵️ Detect Registry Hive Export (reg save HKLM\SAM)

| where FileName == "reg.exe"
| where ProcessCommandLine contains "save"
| where ProcessCommandLine contains "SAM"
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, ProcessCommandLine, AccountName

🕵️ Detect Shadow Copy Abuse

| where FileName == "vssadmin.exe"
| where ProcessCommandLine contains "create shadow"
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, ProcessCommandLine, AccountName

🕵️ Identify Mimikatz Execution

| where FileName contains "mimikatz.exe" or ProcessCommandLine contains "lsadump::sam"
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, ProcessCommandLine, AccountName

🕵️ Remote SAM Dumping with Impacket

| where RemoteIP != ""
| where InitiatingProcessCommandLine contains ""
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, RemoteIP, InitiatingProcessCommandLine

📊 Event Viewer Logs

Event ID



An attempt was made to access an object (SAM file access).


A new process was created (e.g., reg.exe, mimikatz.exe).


Account logon (especially administrative accounts).


An attempt was made to reset an account's password.


A network share object was accessed.

📌 Focus on Event ID 4663:

  • Object Access attempts for HKLM\SAM or C:\Windows\System32\config\SAM.

📌 Event ID 4688:

  • Look for suspicious processes:

    • reg.exe

    • vssadmin.exe

    • mimikatz.exe

🕵️ 3. Investigation Techniques

1️⃣ Identify Registry Export Commands

  • Search for SAM exports:

Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{LogName='Security'; Id=4688} | Where-Object { $_.Message -like "*reg save HKLM\SAM*" }

2️⃣ Inspect Shadow Copies

  • List all shadow copies:

vssadmin list shadows
  • Look for unusual creation timestamps.

3️⃣ Analyze Active Processes

  • Identify active processes accessing SAM files:

Get-Process -Name reg, vssadmin, mimikatz -IncludeUserName

4️⃣ Trace Malicious Tools

  • Search common tool artifacts:

Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Temp", "C:\Users\Public" -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.Name -match "mimikatz|secretsdump" }

5️⃣ Check for Remote Credential Dumps

  • Inspect network logs for suspicious remote connections:

Get-NetTCPConnection | Where-Object { $_.RemoteAddress -notlike "192.168.*" }

🔧 4. Remediation Steps

📌 1. Change Local Account Passwords

  • Immediately reset local admin passwords:

net user Administrator NewP@ssw0rd!

📌 2. Remove Malicious Shadow Copies

vssadmin delete shadows /for=C: /all /quiet

📌 3. Block Tools (Mimikatz, Impacket)

  • Use AppLocker or WDAC to block these tools.

📌 4. Review Local Admin Group Memberships

net localgroup Administrators

📌 5. Enable Logging and Auditing

  • Ensure Event IDs 4663, 4688, and 4624 are monitored.

📌 6. Perform Full Antivirus Scan

Start-MpScan -ScanType FullScan

🛡️ 5. Prevention Steps

  1. Enable LSASS Protection:

reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa" /v RunAsPPL /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
  1. Monitor Access to SAM Files:

    • Enable auditing on:

      • C:\Windows\System32\config\SAM

      • HKLM\SAM

  2. Restrict Registry Access:

    • Limit local admin privileges.

  3. Block Tool Execution:

    • Use Application Control Policies (AppLocker) to block mimikatz.exe,

  4. Use Credential Guard:

    • Enable Windows Defender Credential Guard.

  5. Limit Local Admin Accounts:

    • Disable unused local admin accounts.

🧠 6. Key Takeaways

  • SAM Database is Critical: Protect it with auditing and access control.

  • Monitor Registry Access: Look for reg save HKLM\SAM.

  • Detect Shadow Copy Abuse: Monitor vssadmin commands.

  • Credential Guard is Essential: Prevent access to LSASS and SAM hashes.

  • Block Known Tools: Prevent execution of mimikatz.exe and

🚨 Remote File Copy: Advanced Threat Analysis

🔍 1. Attack Breakdown

📝 What is Remote File Copy?

  • Remote File Copy is an adversarial tactic where attackers transfer files between systems over a network to:

    • Deploy malicious payloads.

    • Exfiltrate sensitive data.

    • Move toolkits or scripts for post-exploitation activities.

📑 Why Attackers Use Remote File Copy?

  • Payload Deployment: Transfer malware, tools, or scripts for persistence or lateral movement.

  • Data Exfiltration: Steal confidential files or credentials.

  • Stealth: Use native tools (e.g., xcopy, robocopy, scp) to evade detection.

  • Remote Control: Set up additional footholds on other systems.

📌 Common Techniques for Remote File Copy


Tool/Command Example


SMB Copy

copy \\target\C$\Temp\payload.exe

Copy files via SMB

PSExec (Sysinternals)

psexec \\target -c payload.exe

Deploy payload using PsExec

PowerShell Copy

Copy-Item -Path .\payload.exe -Destination \\target\C$\Temp

Copy via PowerShell

RDP File Drop

File transfer using Remote Desktop

Upload malicious files

FTP Transfer

ftp <target>

Transfer files via FTP

SCP (Secure Copy Protocol)

scp file.txt user@remote:/tmp/

Transfer files securely

WinRM (PowerShell Remoting)

Invoke-Command -ComputerName target -ScriptBlock { Copy-Item }

Copy files using WinRM

BITSAdmin Abuse

bitsadmin /transfer malware

Download via Background Intelligent Transfer Service

🛡️ 2. Detection Techniques

📊 Manual Inspection with PowerShell

🕵️ Check Recent File Transfers via SMB

  • Look for unusual remote sessions.

🕵️ Review PowerShell File Copy History

Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{LogName='Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell/Operational'; Id=4104} | Where-Object { $_.Message -like "*Copy-Item*" }

🕵️ Identify Recent Remote Connections

Get-NetTCPConnection | Where-Object { $_.RemoteAddress -notlike "192.168.*" }

🕵️ Check Remote Desktop File Transfers

  • Review RDP logs at:

Event Viewer → Applications and Services Logs → Microsoft → Windows → TerminalServices-LocalSessionManager

📊 Microsoft Defender for Endpoint (MDE) Query (KQL)

🕵️ Detect SMB File Copy Activity

| where ActionType == "FileCreated"
| where InitiatingProcessFileName in~ ("cmd.exe", "powershell.exe", "robocopy.exe", "xcopy.exe", "psexec.exe")
| where FolderPath startswith "\\"
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, FileName, FolderPath, AccountName, InitiatingProcessCommandLine

🕵️ Detect FTP or SCP Commands

| where ProcessCommandLine contains "ftp" or ProcessCommandLine contains "scp"
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, ProcessCommandLine, AccountName

🕵️ Monitor PowerShell Remote Copy Attempts

| where FileName == "powershell.exe"
| where ProcessCommandLine contains "Copy-Item" or ProcessCommandLine contains "\\"
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, ProcessCommandLine, AccountName

🕵️ Detect BITSAdmin Abuse

| where FileName == "bitsadmin.exe"
| where ProcessCommandLine contains "/transfer"
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, ProcessCommandLine, AccountName

🕵️ Identify Unusual Remote Sessions

| where RemotePort == 445 or RemotePort == 3389
| where InitiatingProcessFileName in~ ("cmd.exe", "powershell.exe")
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, RemoteIP, RemotePort, InitiatingProcessCommandLine, AccountName

📊 Event Viewer Logs

Event ID



A network share object was accessed.


Object access attempt (file copy attempt).


A new process was created.


PowerShell Script Block Logging (Copy-Item commands).


A new service was installed (via PsExec).

📌 Focus on Event ID 5145:

  • Look for file copy activity over SMB.

  • Monitor logs for \\, UNC paths, or abnormal accounts.

📌 Focus on Event ID 4688:

  • Identify suspicious commands using:

    • robocopy.exe

    • xcopy.exe

    • psexec.exe

🕵️ 3. Investigation Techniques

1️⃣ Inspect SMB Sessions

  • List current SMB connections:

Get-SmbSession | Format-Table

2️⃣ Trace Command-Line Activity

  • Search for file copy commands:

Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{LogName='Security'; Id=4688} | Where-Object { $_.Message -like "*Copy-Item*" }

3️⃣ Check BITSAdmin Transfers

  • Review current BITS jobs:

bitsadmin /list /allusers /verbose

4️⃣ Inspect RDP Session Logs

  • Review file transfers via RDP logs:

Get-WinEvent -LogName "Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-LocalSessionManager/Operational"

5️⃣ Check FTP or SCP Activity

  • Look for FTP logs in:


🔧 4. Remediation Steps

📌 1. Terminate Malicious Connections

Stop-Process -Name "powershell" -Force
Stop-Process -Name "psexec" -Force

📌 2. Disable Suspicious SMB Sessions

Close-SmbSession -SessionId <SessionID>

📌 3. Remove Malicious BITS Jobs

bitsadmin /reset /allusers

📌 4. Quarantine Malicious Files

Move-Item -Path "C:\Temp\payload.exe" -Destination "C:\Quarantine"

📌 5. Block Known Tools via AppLocker

New-AppLockerPolicy -RuleType Deny -Path "C:\Windows\System32\psexec.exe"

📌 6. Perform Full Antivirus Scan

Start-MpScan -ScanType FullScan

🛡️ 5. Prevention Steps

  1. Disable SMB v1:

Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName SMB1Protocol
  1. Limit Remote Access Tools:

    • Restrict psexec.exe, robocopy.exe, xcopy.exe.

  2. Enable BITS Logging:

    • Monitor BITS jobs via Windows Event Logs.

  3. Enable PowerShell Logging:

Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\ScriptBlockLogging" -Name EnableScriptBlockLogging -Value 1
  1. Use Network Segmentation:

    • Restrict file-sharing access to authorized systems.

  2. Enable SIEM Alerts:

    • Create alerts for commands like copy, scp, robocopy, and bitsadmin.

🧠 6. Key Takeaways

  • Native Tools Are Dangerous: Attackers often use legitimate tools (xcopy, robocopy) for malicious purposes.

  • Monitor SMB and FTP Activity: Look for unauthorized file transfers.

  • Enable Script Block Logging: Ensure PowerShell and BITS commands are logged.

  • Restrict File Sharing Permissions: Use least privilege for network shares.

🚨 Network Service Scanning

🔍 1. Attack Breakdown

📝 What is Network Service Scanning?

  • Network Service Scanning is the process where attackers probe network devices, servers, or endpoints to identify open ports, running services, and vulnerabilities.

  • Common goals include:

    • Identifying Targets: Find exploitable systems and services.

    • Mapping the Network Topology: Understand the structure and key services.

    • Finding Weak Services: Detect outdated or misconfigured services.

📑 Why Attackers Use Network Service Scanning?

  • Initial Reconnaissance: Build a map of potential entry points.

  • Vulnerability Detection: Find exploitable services.

  • Credential Spraying: Identify systems where default credentials may still work.

  • Evasion Planning: Identify security controls, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems.

📌 Common Tools Used for Network Scanning



Command Example


Port & service scanning

nmap -sV -p 1-65535 <target>


High-speed port scanning

masscan -p1-65535 <target>


Port probing

nc -zv <target> 80


Internet-scale scanning

zmap -p 80 <target>

Shodan API

Search exposed systems

shodan search port:22


Service vulnerability scanning

msfconsole -x "use scanner/portscan/tcp"

📊 Common Techniques for Network Scanning



Example Command

TCP Connect Scan

Check TCP connection to each port.

nmap -sT <target>

Stealth Scan (SYN Scan)

Evade logging by sending SYN packets.

nmap -sS <target>

UDP Scan

Scan UDP services.

nmap -sU <target>

Service Version Detection

Identify software versions.

nmap -sV <target>

OS Detection

Identify the OS type and version.

nmap -O <target>

Banner Grabbing

Extract server information from banners.

nc <target> 80

SNMP Scanning

Identify devices using SNMP.

onesixtyone <target>

🛡️ 2. Detection Techniques

📊 Manual Inspection with PowerShell

🕵️ Review Firewall Logs for Scan Patterns

Get-WinEvent -LogName Security -FilterXPath "*[System[EventID=5156]]"
  • Look for repeated connection attempts from a single IP across multiple ports.

🕵️ Check Failed Authentication Attempts

Get-EventLog -LogName Security -InstanceId 4625
  • Multiple failed login attempts on different services may indicate scanning.

🕵️ Monitor for Suspicious Connections

Get-NetTCPConnection | Where-Object { $_.State -eq "Established" } | Select-Object LocalAddress, RemoteAddress, LocalPort, RemotePort
  • Unusual connections across many ports from a single IP are suspicious.

📊 Microsoft Defender for Endpoint (MDE) Query (KQL)

🕵️ Detect Network Scanning Behavior

| where RemoteIP != ""
| summarize PortCount = dcount(RemotePort) by RemoteIP
| where PortCount > 50
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, RemoteIP, PortCount

🕵️ Identify High Frequency Connections

| summarize ConnectionCount = count() by RemoteIP, RemotePort
| where ConnectionCount > 100
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, RemoteIP, RemotePort, ConnectionCount

🕵️ Detect Known Scanning Tools

| where FileName in~ ("nmap.exe", "masscan.exe", "zmap.exe", "netcat.exe")
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, FileName, ProcessCommandLine, AccountName

🕵️ Look for SYN Scans

| where Protocol == "TCP"
| where InitiatingProcessFileName contains "nmap"
| where RemotePort between (1 .. 1024)
| summarize ConnectionCount = count() by RemoteIP
| where ConnectionCount > 100

🕵️ Identify Suspicious UDP Traffic

| where Protocol == "UDP"
| where RemotePort between (1 .. 65535)
| summarize ConnectionCount = count() by RemoteIP
| where ConnectionCount > 50

📊 Event Viewer Logs

Event ID



A network connection was allowed.


A network connection was blocked.


Failed login attempt.


A process was created.

📌 Focus on Event ID 5156:

  • Look for repeated allowed connections from a single Remote IP to many different ports.

📌 Focus on Event ID 4688:

  • Identify processes like:

    • nmap.exe

    • masscan.exe

    • zmap.exe

🕵️ 3. Investigation Techniques

1️⃣ Trace the Source IP

  • Identify the attacker’s IP address:

netstat -ano | findstr <Suspicious_IP>

2️⃣ Inspect Command-Line History

  • Look for scanning tool execution:

Get-History | Where-Object { $_.CommandLine -match "nmap|masscan|netcat" }

3️⃣ Check Suspicious Processes

Get-Process -Name nmap, masscan, zmap

4️⃣ Inspect Firewall Logs

  • Review blocked connection attempts:

Get-NetFirewallRule -Name *scan*

5️⃣ Analyze Network Flows

  • Capture network packets:

Start-Process -FilePath "tcpdump" -ArgumentList "-i eth0 -nn"

🔧 4. Remediation Steps

📌 1. Block Suspicious IP Addresses

New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "Block Suspicious Scanner" -Direction Inbound -RemoteAddress <Suspicious_IP> -Action Block

📌 2. Disable Unused Services and Ports

Disable-NetAdapterBinding -Name Ethernet -ComponentID ms_server

📌 3. Terminate Suspicious Processes

Stop-Process -Name "nmap" -Force

📌 4. Enable Firewall Logging

Set-NetFirewallProfile -Profile Domain,Public,Private -LogAllowed True

📌 5. Perform Full Antivirus Scan

Start-MpScan -ScanType FullScan

🛡️ 5. Prevention Steps

  1. Enable Intrusion Detection System (IDS):

    • Use Snort or Suricata.

  2. Implement Rate-Limiting:

    • Limit the number of connection attempts.

  3. Segment the Network:

    • Use VLANs and isolated zones.

  4. Disable Unnecessary Services:

    • Close unused ports and disable unnecessary protocols.

  5. Enable Firewall Rules:

    • Block unused inbound ports.

  6. Monitor Common Tools:

    • Alert on tools like nmap.exe, masscan.exe, zmap.exe.

🧠 6. Key Takeaways

  • Scanning is Often the First Step: Early detection is critical.

  • Monitor Network Traffic: Look for unusual connection spikes.

  • Control Tools: Block execution of known scanning tools.

  • Enable IDS/IPS: Use network monitoring to detect scans.

🚨 Replication Through Removable Media: Advanced Threat Analysis

🔍 1. Attack Breakdown

📝 What is Replication Through Removable Media?

  • Replication through removable media occurs when attackers use USB drives, external hard drives, or other removable storage devices to spread malware or exfiltrate data.

  • Malware is often automatically executed using autorun scripts or hidden malicious files.

📑 Why Attackers Use Removable Media?

  • Bypass Network Controls: No reliance on network connectivity.

  • Stealth: USB drives are less monitored than network transfers.

  • Physical Access: Effective in air-gapped environments.

  • Persistence: Can remain undetected and reinfect systems when reconnected.

📌 Common Techniques for USB-Based Replication



Example Command/Tool

Autorun Exploitation

Malware is automatically executed via autorun.inf.

echo [autorun] > autorun.inf

Hidden Malicious Files

Malware is hidden on the USB drive as system files.

attrib +s +h malicious.exe

Shortcut Abuse

Replace folder shortcuts with malicious executables.

cmd /c start folder.lnk

Payload Delivery

Malicious payloads transferred manually.

copy payload.exe F:\

Data Exfiltration

Sensitive data copied to the removable device.

xcopy C:\sensitive F:\ /E

📌 Common Malware Examples

  • USB Rubber Ducky: Hardware-based key injection.

  • BadUSB: Firmware-based USB attack.

  • Stuxnet: Spread through removable drives.

  • Autorun Worms: Malware exploiting autorun.inf.

🛡️ 2. Detection Techniques

📊 Manual Inspection with PowerShell

🕵️ List Attached USB Devices

Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_DiskDrive | Where-Object { $_.InterfaceType -eq "USB" } | Select-Object DeviceID, Model, MediaType

🕵️ Check USB Activity in Logs

Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{LogName='Microsoft-Windows-DriverFrameworks-UserMode/Operational'; Id=2003}

🕵️ Search for Autorun Files

Get-ChildItem -Path "F:\" -Filter "autorun.inf" -Recurse -Force

🕵️ Identify Recently Created or Modified Files on USB

Get-ChildItem -Path "F:\" -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.LastWriteTime -gt (Get-Date).AddHours(-24) }

📊 Microsoft Defender for Endpoint (MDE) Query (KQL)

🕵️ Detect USB Device Connections

| where FolderPath contains ":\\"
| where DeviceName contains "USB"
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, FileName, FolderPath, ActionType, AccountName

🕵️ Identify Autorun Files

| where FileName == "autorun.inf"
| where ActionType in ("FileCreated", "FileModified")
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, FileName, FolderPath, AccountName

🕵️ Detect Malware Dropped on USB

| where FolderPath contains ":\\"
| where FileName endswith ".exe" or FileName endswith ".bat"
| where ActionType == "FileCreated"
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, FileName, FolderPath, AccountName

🕵️ Detect Exfiltration Activity

| where FolderPath contains ":\\"
| where ActionType == "FileCopied"
| where FileName contains "password" or FileName contains "sensitive"
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, FileName, FolderPath, AccountName

🕵️ Look for Suspicious Processes Executed from USB

| where FolderPath contains ":\\"
| where FileName endswith ".exe"
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, ProcessCommandLine, FolderPath, AccountName

📊 Event Viewer Logs

Event ID



USB device connected.


Process creation (malware execution from USB).


Object access attempt (e.g., file copied).


Permissions changed on an object.


Handle to an object was requested.

📌 Focus on Event ID 2003:

  • Tracks USB device connections.

📌 Focus on Event ID 4688:

  • Look for processes executed directly from a USB drive (F:\malicious.exe).

📌 Focus on Event ID 4663:

  • Tracks file access events.

🕵️ 3. Investigation Techniques

1️⃣ Identify USB Device Details

  • Check device properties:

Get-PnpDevice -Class USB

2️⃣ Review USB Device History

Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{LogName='Microsoft-Windows-DriverFrameworks-UserMode/Operational'; Id=2003}

3️⃣ Trace Executed Files from USB

  • Identify suspicious execution paths:

Get-EventLog -LogName Security -InstanceId 4688 | Where-Object { $_.Message -like "*:\\*.exe" }

4️⃣ Check Recent File Transfers

  • Look for exfiltration patterns:

Get-ChildItem -Path "F:\" -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.LastWriteTime -gt (Get-Date).AddDays(-1) }

5️⃣ Extract Autorun Configurations

  • Inspect autorun.inf:

Get-Content -Path "F:\autorun.inf"

🔧 4. Remediation Steps

📌 1. Disable Autorun for Removable Devices

reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer" /v NoDriveTypeAutoRun /t REG_DWORD /d 255 /f

📌 2. Quarantine Suspicious Files

Move-Item -Path "F:\malicious.exe" -Destination "C:\Quarantine"

📌 3. Block Malicious Processes

Stop-Process -Name "malicious" -Force

📌 4. Remove Suspicious Autorun Files

Remove-Item -Path "F:\autorun.inf"

📌 5. Perform Full Antivirus Scan

Start-MpScan -ScanType FullScan

🛡️ 5. Prevention Steps

  1. Disable Autorun:

    • Prevent automatic execution of files from removable devices.

  2. Restrict USB Access:

    • Implement policies to restrict USB drive usage.

  3. Enable USB Auditing:

    • Enable Event Logs for USB activity.

  4. Use Device Control Solutions:

    • Implement tools like Microsoft Defender Device Control.

  5. Encrypt Sensitive Data:

    • Ensure sensitive data cannot be easily copied to USB devices.

  6. Block Known Malicious Tools:

    • Block autorun.inf and known malicious file extensions via AppLocker.

  7. Educate Users:

    • Train users to avoid connecting unknown USB devices.

🧠 6. Key Takeaways

  • USB Drives Are a Threat Vector: Monitor USB access and file transfers.

  • Disable Autorun: Prevent automatic execution of malicious payloads.

  • Audit USB Activity: Enable detailed logging for USB connections.

  • Use Device Control: Restrict or block USB usage for unauthorized users.

  • Educate Employees: Train them on risks associated with USB drives.

🚨 Process Injection

🔍 **1. Attack Breakdown

📝 What is Process Injection?

  • Process Injection is a technique used by attackers to inject malicious code into legitimate processes to:

    • Evade Detection: Hide within trusted processes (e.g., explorer.exe, svchost.exe).

    • Privilege Escalation: Execute code with higher privileges.

    • Persistence: Maintain access even after reboots.

    • Bypass Security Controls: Avoid antivirus or endpoint protection detection.

📑 Why Attackers Use Process Injection?

  • Stealth: Operate within trusted processes.

  • Access: Leverage the privileges of the injected process.

  • Bypass Controls: Avoid application whitelisting.

  • Persistence: Maintain presence across sessions.

📌 Common Techniques for Process Injection



Tool Example

DLL Injection

Inject malicious DLLs into legitimate processes.


Process Hollowing

Replace a process's memory with malicious code.


APC Injection

Use Asynchronous Procedure Calls for injection.


Thread Execution Hijacking

Hijack an existing thread for malicious code.


Reflective DLL Injection

Load DLLs directly into memory.

Cobalt Strike

Shellcode Injection

Inject and execute raw shellcode in a process.

Metasploit, Cobalt Strike

📊 Common Tools for Process Injection




Payload generation and injection


Credential dumping with injection

Cobalt Strike

Post-exploitation framework


PowerShell exploitation scripts

Process Hacker

Process analysis and injection

🛡️ 2. Detection Techniques

📊 Manual Inspection with PowerShell

🕵️ List Suspicious Processes

Get-Process | Where-Object { $_.Path -like "*Temp*" }

🕵️ Check Suspicious DLL Injections

Get-Process -Module | Where-Object { $_.ModuleName -like "*.dll" -and $_.FileName -like "*Temp*" }

🕵️ Inspect Threads in Processes

Get-CimInstance Win32_Process | Select-Object ProcessId, Name, CommandLine, ParentProcessId

🕵️ Check Remote Thread Creation

Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{LogName='Security'; Id=4688} | Where-Object { $_.Message -like "*CreateRemoteThread*" }

📊 Microsoft Defender for Endpoint (MDE) Query (KQL)

🕵️ Detect DLL Injection

| where FileName endswith ".dll"
| where FolderPath contains "Temp" or FolderPath contains "AppData"
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, FileName, FolderPath, AccountName, InitiatingProcessCommandLine

🕵️ Detect Remote Thread Creation

| where ProcessCommandLine contains "CreateRemoteThread"
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, ProcessCommandLine, AccountName

🕵️ Identify Hollowed Processes

| where InitiatingProcessCommandLine contains "svchost.exe"
| where ProcessCommandLine contains "explorer.exe" or ProcessCommandLine contains "cmd.exe"
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, ProcessCommandLine, InitiatingProcessCommandLine, AccountName

🕵️ Detect Reflective DLL Injection

| where ProcessCommandLine contains "rundll32.exe"
| where ProcessCommandLine contains "LoadLibrary"
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, ProcessCommandLine, AccountName

🕵️ Monitor Suspicious Thread Creation

| where InitiatingProcessFileName contains "powershell.exe" or InitiatingProcessFileName contains "cmd.exe"
| where ProcessCommandLine contains "VirtualAlloc" or ProcessCommandLine contains "WriteProcessMemory"
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, ProcessCommandLine, AccountName

📊 Event Viewer Logs

Event ID



Process creation (Look for CreateRemoteThread)


Process termination


Service installed on a system


An account was created

📌 Focus on Event ID 4688:

  • Look for:

    ProcessName: rundll32.exe, svchost.exe, powershell.exe
    CommandLine: CreateRemoteThread, VirtualAlloc, WriteProcessMemory

📌 Focus on Event ID 4697:

  • Look for unusual services created with suspicious paths.

🕵️ 3. Investigation Techniques

1️⃣ Trace Injected Processes

  • Identify suspicious child-parent process relationships:

Get-CimInstance Win32_Process | Where-Object { $_.ParentProcessId -eq <PID> }

2️⃣ Analyze DLL Loading Paths

  • Verify DLL paths:

Get-Process -Module | Where-Object { $_.ModuleName -like "*.dll" }

3️⃣ Monitor Memory Activity

  • Look for unexpected memory allocation:

Get-Process -Name svchost | Select-Object Handles, NPM, PM, WS

4️⃣ Check Running Threads

  • Identify unusual thread activity:

Get-Process -Id <PID> | Select-Object Threads

5️⃣ Review Command-Line Activity

  • Check for encoded or suspicious PowerShell commands:

Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{LogName='Security'; Id=4688} | Select-String "EncodedCommand"

🔧 4. Remediation Steps

📌 1. Kill Malicious Processes

Stop-Process -Id <PID> -Force

📌 2. Quarantine Malicious DLLs

Move-Item -Path "C:\Temp\malicious.dll" -Destination "C:\Quarantine"

📌 3. Disable Suspicious Services

Stop-Service -Name "suspiciousService"

📌 4. Remove Malicious Threads

  • Terminate injected threads manually.

📌 5. Enable Advanced Threat Protection (ATP)

  • Ensure real-time protection is active.

📌 6. Perform Full Antivirus Scan

Start-MpScan -ScanType FullScan

🛡️ 5. Prevention Steps

  1. Enable Process Auditing:

    • Enable Event ID 4688 and 4697.

  2. Use Application Control:

    • Block suspicious binaries (rundll32.exe, powershell.exe) from abnormal execution paths.

  3. Enable Windows Defender ATP:

    • Ensure advanced threat protection is enabled.

  4. Monitor Memory Allocation:

    • Use tools like Sysmon to track thread and memory injection.

  5. Disable Unused Tools:

    • Restrict access to rundll32.exe and svchost.exe.

  6. Educate Users:

    • Raise awareness about malicious file execution.

🧠 6. Key Takeaways

  • Process Injection is Stealthy: It allows attackers to hide malicious code in legitimate processes.

  • Monitor Process Tree Anomalies: Look for unusual parent-child relationships.

  • Focus on Memory Behavior: Techniques like VirtualAlloc and WriteProcessMemory are common.

  • Enable Security Auditing: Log Event IDs 4688, 4697, and 4689.

🚨 Account Manipulation

🔍 1. Attack Breakdown

📝 What is Account Manipulation?

  • Account Manipulation refers to the modification of user accounts in an operating system or directory service, often with malicious intent.

  • Attackers manipulate accounts to:

    • Maintain Persistence: Create or modify accounts for long-term access.

    • Escalate Privileges: Grant higher privileges to standard accounts.

    • Evade Detection: Disable logging or lock out legitimate administrators.

    • Create Backdoors: Add unauthorized accounts for fallback access.

📑 Why Attackers Use Account Manipulation?

  • Stealth Persistence: Stay undetected while maintaining access.

  • Privilege Escalation: Gain admin or system-level access.

  • Disable Security Controls: Turn off auditing or account policies.

  • Lateral Movement: Use compromised accounts to move across systems.

📌 Common Techniques for Account Manipulation



Example Command

Create New Account

Add a new local user.

net user hacker Pass123! /add

Add Account to Admin Group

Grant administrative privileges.

net localgroup Administrators hacker /add

Modify Account Properties

Enable disabled accounts.

net user Administrator /active:yes

Change Passwords

Change account passwords.

net user Administrator NewPass123!

Disable Security Controls

Turn off account auditing.

auditpol /set /category:"Account Management" /success:disable

Modify Service Accounts

Change account used by a service.

sc config TrustedInstaller obj= .\hacker

📊 Common Tools for Account Manipulation



Net User

Create and modify user accounts.


Script account changes.


Extract and manipulate account credentials.

Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)

Modify accounts remotely.

Active Directory Users and Computers (ADUC)

Graphical account management.

🛡️ 2. Detection Techniques

📊 Manual Inspection with PowerShell

🕵️ List Local User Accounts


🕵️ Check Accounts Added to Admin Groups

Get-LocalGroupMember -Group "Administrators"

🕵️ Review Recently Created Accounts

Get-LocalUser | Where-Object { $_.LastLogon -gt (Get-Date).AddDays(-7) }

🕵️ Check for Modified Account Policies

auditpol /get /category:"Account Management"

🕵️ Inspect Event Logs for Account Creation

Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{LogName='Security'; Id=4720}

📊 Microsoft Defender for Endpoint (MDE) Query (KQL)

🕵️ Detect Account Creation Events

| where EventID == 4720
| project Timestamp, AccountName, TargetUserName, DeviceName

🕵️ Detect Accounts Added to Admin Groups

| where EventID == 4728
| project Timestamp, AccountName, GroupName, DeviceName

🕵️ Detect Suspicious Account Modifications

| where EventID in (4722, 4724, 4725, 4738)
| project Timestamp, AccountName, TargetUserName, DeviceName

🕵️ Monitor Password Changes

| where EventID == 4724
| project Timestamp, AccountName, TargetUserName, DeviceName

🕵️ Detect Disabled Security Auditing

| where ProcessCommandLine contains "auditpol"
| where ProcessCommandLine contains "/set"
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, ProcessCommandLine, AccountName

🕵️ Monitor Suspicious PowerShell Commands

| where FileName == "powershell.exe"
| where ProcessCommandLine contains "New-LocalUser" or ProcessCommandLine contains "Add-LocalGroupMember"
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, ProcessCommandLine, AccountName

📊 Event Viewer Logs

Event ID



A user account was created.


A user account was enabled.


An attempt was made to reset an account's password.


A user account was disabled.


A user was added to a privileged group.


A user account was changed.

📌 Focus on Event ID 4720 (Account Creation):

  • Look for unusual account names and timestamps.

📌 Focus on Event ID 4728 (Added to Admin Group):

  • Check if accounts were added unexpectedly to Administrators.

📌 Focus on Event ID 4724 (Password Reset):

  • Look for accounts with passwords reset by unusual accounts.

🕵️ 3. Investigation Techniques

1️⃣ Identify Suspicious Accounts

  • Check recently created accounts:

Get-LocalUser | Where-Object { $_.LastLogon -gt (Get-Date).AddDays(-7) }

2️⃣ Inspect Privileged Group Membership

  • Review Administrators group:

Get-LocalGroupMember -Group "Administrators"

3️⃣ Trace Password Changes

  • Inspect Event Logs:

Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{LogName='Security'; Id=4724}

4️⃣ Audit Account Policies

  • Ensure auditing is enabled:

auditpol /get /category:"Account Management"

5️⃣ Review Suspicious Commands

  • Check for suspicious command execution:

Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{LogName='Security'; Id=4688} | Where-Object { $_.Message -like "*net user*" }

🔧 4. Remediation Steps

📌 1. Disable Suspicious Accounts

Disable-LocalUser -Name "SuspiciousUser"

📌 2. Remove Unauthorized Group Membership

Remove-LocalGroupMember -Group "Administrators" -Member "SuspiciousUser"

📌 3. Reset Compromised Account Passwords

net user Administrator NewP@ssw0rd!

📌 4. Enable Security Auditing

auditpol /set /category:"Account Management" /success:enable /failure:enable

📌 5. Perform Full Antivirus Scan

Start-MpScan -ScanType FullScan

🛡️ 5. Prevention Steps

  1. Enable Account Auditing:

    • Ensure Event IDs 4720, 4728, 4724, and 4738 are logged.

  2. Use Least Privilege Principle:

    • Limit admin access to essential accounts only.

  3. Implement Strong Password Policies:

    • Enforce complex passwords and regular password changes.

  4. Restrict Account Creation:

    • Use Group Policy to restrict account creation permissions.

  5. Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA):

    • Prevent unauthorized account access.

  6. Monitor Critical Accounts:

    • Set up alerts for admin accounts and privileged group changes.

  7. Educate Administrators:

    • Train admins to recognize and respond to account manipulation attempts.

🧠 6. Key Takeaways

  • Account Manipulation Enables Persistence: Attackers use it for long-term access.

  • Monitor Privileged Groups: Admin group changes are a red flag.

  • Audit Account Changes: Focus on Event IDs 4720, 4728, 4724.

  • Prevent Unauthorized Account Modifications: Use Group Policy and MFA.

Last updated