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The ProcessRollup2 event in CrowdStrike is one of the key telemetry events that provides detailed information about processes executed on an endpoint. This event belongs to the Process Execution data stream and is vital for detecting, investigating, and responding to potential threats or unusual behavior on endpoints.

Overview of ProcessRollup2

  1. Purpose:

    • The ProcessRollup2 event is primarily used to provide information about process execution details.

    • It enables security analysts to track what processes are being started, their relationships to other processes, and metadata about these processes.

  2. Key Use Cases:

    • Threat Hunting: Identifying unusual or suspicious process activities.

    • Incident Response: Tracing back the chain of events during an investigation.

    • Forensic Analysis: Understanding how a specific threat propagated across the system.

Key Data Fields in ProcessRollup2

Below are some of the most important fields you will encounter in a ProcessRollup2 event:

Field Name



Indicates the event type; for this event, it will be ProcessRollup2.


The unique identifier for the agent running on the endpoint where the event occurred.


The exact time the process execution was observed.


ID of the parent process that spawned the current process, allowing for process lineage tracking.


Unique identifier of the process being executed.


Name of the executable file (e.g., cmd.exe, powershell.exe).


Full command line string used to invoke the process, useful for detecting malicious parameters.


User context under which the process was executed.


Cryptographic hash (SHA256, MD5, etc.) of the executed file, aiding in binary identification.


Time at which the process was started.


Time at which the process ended (if available).


Execution policy, indicating whether the process execution adhered to pre-configured security policies.


Information about network connections made by the process, if applicable.

Understanding the Process Flow

  1. Hierarchy of Processes:

    • Each process has a parent-child relationship. By using the parent_process_id and process_id fields, you can visualize the process tree.

    • Example: explorer.exe spawns cmd.exe, which then launches powershell.exe.

  2. Command Line Analysis:

    • Analyze the command_line field for:

      • Suspicious arguments (e.g., obfuscated PowerShell commands).

      • Known indicators of compromise (IoCs) such as encoded scripts or direct connections to external servers.

  3. Binary Identification:

    • Use the hash field to:

      • Compare against known-good or known-malicious file hashes.

      • Validate file integrity and check for tampering.

Example 1: Retrieve All ProcessRollup2 Events from the Last 24 Hours


Find all ProcessRollup2 events within the last 24 hours.

FQL Query:

event_simpleName:ProcessRollup2 AND @timestamp: > now-24h


  • event_simpleName:ProcessRollup2: Filters for events of type ProcessRollup2.

  • @timestamp:>now-24h: Filters events that occurred in the last 24 hours.

Example 2: Detect Encoded PowerShell Commands


Identify processes where PowerShell was executed with encoded commands.

FQL Query:

event_simpleName:ProcessRollup2 AND image_file_name:"powershell.exe" AND command_line:*EncodedCommand*


  • image_file_name:"powershell.exe": Searches for PowerShell executions.

  • command_line:*EncodedCommand*: Matches processes with the term EncodedCommand in the command line, indicating possible obfuscation.

Example 3: Find Processes Spawned by a Specific Parent Process


Search for processes spawned by explorer.exe.

FQL Query:

event_simpleName:ProcessRollup2 AND parent_image_file_name:"explorer.exe"


  • parent_image_file_name:"explorer.exe": Focuses on processes that have explorer.exe as the parent.

Example 4: Detect Rare Processes in the Environment


Identify processes that are executed less than five times in the environment.


Falcon’s search engine doesn’t provide direct aggregation in FQL, but this can be achieved by exporting the data for further analysis or visualizing it in Falcon dashboards.

FQL Query:



  1. Export the results.

  2. Use tools like Excel, Python, or SIEM to group and count occurrences of image_file_name.

Example 5: Search for Known Malicious Hashes


Locate specific hashes of processes executed in the environment.

FQL Query:

event_simpleName:ProcessRollup2 AND hash:"d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"


  • hash:"d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e": Matches the specific hash of a binary.

Example 6: Correlate Process Execution with Network Connections


Find processes that initiated external network connections.

While FQL doesn’t support direct joins between events, you can query separately for network events (NetworkConnection) and process events (ProcessRollup2) to analyze the correlation.

Process Query:

event_simpleName:ProcessRollup2 AND aid:<specific_aid>

Network Query:

event_simpleName:NetworkConnection AND aid:<specific_aid> AND remote_address!:""


  1. Match results based on the aid (Agent ID) and timestamps.

  2. Correlate findings in an external tool or script.

Example 7: Identify Processes Run by Non-Admin Users


Locate processes executed by non-administrative users.

FQL Query:

event_simpleName:ProcessRollup2 AND NOT user_name:"Administrator" AND NOT user_name:"SYSTEM"


  • NOT user_name:"Administrator": Excludes processes executed by the Administrator account.

  • NOT user_name:"SYSTEM": Excludes processes executed under the SYSTEM account.

General Notes on Falcon Query Language (FQL)

  • Boolean Operators: Use AND, OR, NOT for combining conditions.

  • Wildcards: Use * for partial matches in strings (e.g., image_file_name:*powershell*).

  • Timestamp Filters: Use relative time (e.g., now-24h, now-7d) or absolute timestamps (2024-12-01T00:00:00Z).

  • Event Filtering: The event_simpleName field is essential to filter specific event types like ProcessRollup2.

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