Hacked Cyberdefenders
Category : Digital Forensics Medium " Linux FTK Disk"
Last updated
Category : Digital Forensics Medium " Linux FTK Disk"
Last updated
You have been called to analyze a compromised Linux web server. Figure out how the threat actor gained access, what modifications were applied to the system, and what persistent techniques were utilized. (e.g. backdoors, users, sessions, etc).
We Can found it the /etc/timezone
Ans : Europe/Brussels
We can find it in auth file on: /var/log/auth.log
Ans : mail
from the priv screen we can found it the answer "57708"
We can found the last session started at 13:23:34 and finished at 13:24:11 then it's just 1 minute
Ans : 1
in the last screen we can found sshd
Ans : sshd
In the same file We found it's many failled attemped okay it's bruteforce!
Ans : brute-force
Q7 How many IP addresses are listed in the '/var/log/lastlog' file?
Ans : 2
Users Having shell using /bin/bash
Ans : 5
We can found password of email user in
Ans : forensics
Back to auth.log searching for useradd command we can found it
Ans : php
we can found group in etc/group
open it to count
Ans : 58
in the same file searching for sudo
Ans : 2
From Q10 When the attacker created the user PHP,
its home directory was /usr/php
Ans : /usr/php
We know from the prev Qusetions that the attacker logged in as the user mail , we find the it's home direcotry at: /var/mail
let's investigate it's bash history
Ans : sudo su -
let's check root’s bash history file
Ans : 37292.c
After some minutes I searching in /tmp
After i clicked on it Window defender running ")
After that search for the CVE in exploit-db:
Ans : rebel
it's found in etc
Ans : drupal
By helping of chatgpt we can found the version of Drupal Cms in info files found in /var/www/html/
Ans : 7.26
From the question 6 we can found the attacker ip
we can go to access.log
and grep it
we found decoded post request
let's going to cyberchief
Ans : 4444
We fininsed , Thank UUUUUUU for reading ❤🥰